Moving the Classroom Agenda Forward, Saying Goodbye to Web/Education 1.0

The bottom line, though, is not is what is in the best interests of the teacher, the administration, or the politicians. It is what is in the best interests of the learner. – Moving from Education 1.0 Through Education 2.0 Towards Education 3.0  by  Jackie Gerstein

As history has shown us, education in general, is in a constant state of change. The rate of change might be slow but nonetheless there is change. There is however one permanent piece to the education puzzle. We will always have students to teach and there will always be learning to do. This I am certain will never change. However, from year to year those students walking through the door do change. Their skill sets, background knowledge and life experiences change. The society and world around them are constantly changing! It might be an understatement to suggest that our world changes fast. From one day to the next there is a new app, website or tool available to help with some function or need in our everyday lives. Not just for our students but for educators as well. After the discussion in our class this week I am still not sure I understand what web 3.0 is all about but I do feel i have a responsibility as a professional to learn about it. After all, my students are likely going to understand it before I do, so I best start now! I am a work in progress when it comes to web 3.0 but I found this video helpful as a starting point.


It would be naive to think that our students aren’t embracing the constant change that we live in! So why aren’t some of our classrooms doing the same, if  as Gerstein suggests, students are the focus?

Photo Credit: benschke Flickr via Compfight cc
There is a place for tradition and the “that’s how we’ve always done it” mentality but I am not certain that that belongs in our schools. Simply throwing away and forgetting about the great things of years gone by isn’t realistic either. Take for example a mixed tape. Many of us would be able to go to that box in the basement filled with treasures from the past, pull out a mixed tape and instantly be taken back to a moment or place in time. We don’t want to throw it away but we also don’t want to go down to that box in the basement to pull out that tape every time we want to hear that one song.  Also, how many of us would actually have the device to play that tape anymore?

Mixed tapes in their prime were great but do they serve a purpose today or do we have a better tool to accomplish the same end goal? Will the next tool work even better? The power of music has not been lost, it’s still full and well in our society but how that music is created and shared is much different. If musicians today wanted to be part of the music scene in an effective and lucrative way I would highly doubt they would be going around handing out and selling mixed tapes. They wouldn’t be able to reach their audience in the same way they would if they chose to share their music through online platforms while connecting with their target audience online.

Much like the history of how we hear music has changed, education is starting to do the same. The idea of teachers being the ‘sage on the stage’ doesn’t work any more. I would struggle to agree with someone who suggests it does. We live in a connected society and our schools need to start to reflect that.

1 million new active mobile social users are added every day. That’s 12 each second… – Marketing: 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts for 2016

If we continue to ask our students to come to school to “sit and get” we are putting them at a disadvantage for their future. We can’t expect educators to change their practice from what they have always known over night but I do think as a society we need to expect that our educators are showing a desire to grow.

Photo Credit: p_sànchez Flickr via Compfight cc
We need to start to demand what’s best for our children. It’s not all out with the old in with the new, it’s a balance and a new opportunity. As Gerstein suggests in her article the evolution from web 1.0 to web 3.0 is reflective of the changes that we are seeing in education. However, those changes in education exist in very small pockets. There is always more to learn and we must never stop learning if we are asking our students to continue to be actively engaged in the learning process.

I have many questions around what happens when students have to move from a “sit and get” classroom one year to an active online classroom the next.  Whether we are talking about web 2.0 or 3.0 I think the following questions are important:

  • Are we doing right by our students if we let them sit in a “sit and get” classroom environment?
  • Who is responsible for helping ensure that students remain the priority and that their education reflects the skills and tools they need for the society we are preparing them for?
  • Who is responsible for preparing teachers to teach using the tools of today and tomorrow?
  • Is it the teachers job to remain an active learner?
  • Is it the employers job?
  • When do the age old “it’s too much work” and “I don’t have the time”no longer become acceptable? 

In consider myself to be an educator that strives to provide my students with opportunities that will prepare them for their future. Not for one job or another but to be someone that can actively engage, participate and give back to society. I strongly believe that we must engage them in a way that reflects the world they are growing up in. I believe this starts with the integration of web 2.0 building an understanding of web 3.0 and putting the web 1.0 back in the box in the basement!


  1. I loved your questions at the end.
    1 – I think we are doing our students a disservice if we only have a “sit and get” classroom
    2 – I believe it is always the teachers number one priority to ensure are the students. I also would add that our jobs are to get students ready for their adult lives, therefore yes we do need to be giving them skills they can transfer into their future lives
    3 – I feel that it is the role of the teacher to ensure they are up to date with advancements in teaching tools. Other professions are always learning, always incorporating new tools, utilizing better ways of getting things done, so why aren’t teacher?
    4 – Yes the teacher should remain an active learner. (Modeling)
    5 – Again, yes, if you want your employees to be active learners the employer needs to be finding ways to help/facilitate whenever they can.
    6 – Not sure what your last bullet was all about but, I think those comments are for negative people/situations that we have all been at one point in time. I don’t think those type of comments or thoughts are productive and they only hurt the student in the long run.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to answer those questions Kyle, I couldn’t agree more! When I think about these questions I also wonder about what I can do to help model the benefits of teaching students so they are prepared for the world beyond school. Fixed up #6, I guess that’s what I get for blogging late on a Friday night after a full week at work!

  3. I think if you’re a teacher and you don’t have the personal desire to want to continually improve your teaching methods, then you’re really not in the right profession! I would like to know how professional development time differs from one profession to another. Are teachers provided with a similar amount of paid time to pursue professional development to remain current? I don’t know the answer!

    • I don’t know the answer either but I think that is a great question. There is definitely never a shortage of things to learn! Perhaps that is where the idea of trying one thing, learning all about it and then moving on to something new comes into play.

  4. After reading your BLOG post for this week, the one thing that really stood out to me was your statement “If we continue to ask our students to come to school to “sit and get” we are putting them at a disadvantage for their future.” This is an awesome analogy, the time has come and gone that we as educators consider the student mind a sponge that we must fill with information at the front of the classroom. It has have always been vital to allow for some inquiry based learning in our lessons and your statement really spoke to me about this. Great post Nicole, you nailed it!

  5. Great questions Nicole! You really make us think about our own educational perspectives and philosophies. I think it is essential for the teachers and the employers to both remain active learners, and they are both responsible for preparing teachers to teach using the tools of today and tomorrow. This can’t be one person’s isolated job – I think many people need to work together to make this happen as positively and effectively as possible. We need to do this for the students – who should always remain our number one priority. In the end, I truly believe, the “I don’t have time” or “it’s too much work” excuses are never acceptable. If one is not ready to continue to learn and grow within our educational system, then they are doing a disservice to their students and their team of teachers.

  6. I loved your mixed tape analogy, Nicole! Brilliant! While some choices we make in education may be nostalgic, they don’t always get the job done or do it well as we consider the needs of our children. Thanks for your post.

  7. Thanks for such a wonderful blog post this week. I agree that it is important to make small changes and continue to learn and change our practice. We must model learning and lifelong learning! I think we all know there are teachers out there who don’t change and continue to do the same things year after year, regardless of new opportunities. I really like how you mention these educators in your blog. What do we do when we get students after a year (or many years) in a “sit and get” classroom as you described? I find it so difficult to teach students to engage and be in control of their own learning. Some students lack confidence in their own ideas and opinions. We cannot control how others teach before or after us.

    • I am not sure I have a great answer for your questions but I think what we should do is show them the power of connecting. Show them how it feels to be the guide to their learning and the endless number of ways they can now do that! It won’t take long and they’ll be more than excited to take hold of their learning!

  8. Great post Nicole!

    I love the glass half full on this one! Pedagogically, I completely agree with you – we need to adapt the way we teach to best reach our students, and we need to examine how we teach and what we are using to teach (the apps we use, the technology we use -or don’t).

    For me, I am still leery of web 3.0, but I just think that’s because I haven’t entirely wrapped my head around the concept. Additionally, I tend to really spend time analyzing and considering new things before I try them (sometimes to a fault- not always a good thing!) as such, I’m trying to wrap my head around what web 3.0 means to the adults in the world. How does this affect how we function – what are the negative implications-are there any? What does this mean for our privacy? How will it effect our children long term?

    I’m not going to stop the introduction of web 3.0, nor do I want to, I think I’m just trying to anticipate what this shift will mean, and I don’t have the answers yet (I think that’s why I’m hesitant about it)!

    Thanks for your positivity this week!

    • I completely understand where you are coming from with being leery of web 3.0! I am not so sure I am ready for my fridge to tell me what groceries I need! I started to get into that in my post and realized I may end up writing a novel that no one will want to read. Perhaps that’s a post for another day!

  9. “I believe this starts with the integration of web 2.0 building an understanding of web 3.0 and putting the web 1.0 back in the box in the basement!”

    This statement really stuck with me! I think it’s easy for us to become overwhelmed with the idea of Web 3.0, but it’s important to remember that if you’re already actively integrating Web 2.0 and replacing some of your Web 1.0 practices with more social, Web 2.0 alternatives, you’re taking steps in the right direction to support active learners.

    Great post Nicole!

    • Steps in the right direction is exactly what we need! We certainly can’t do it all in one day and we shouldn’t expect that of ourselves. One step and one day at a time!

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